Install Carbridge / WheelPal & Cartube

You can install all the Carbridge related a[s] including Carbridge iOS WheelPal App and Cartube app through this installer.

Tap on the below "Download Carbridge Installer" button below to start the installation process. Make sure that you follow the steps using Safari Browser of your iPhone / iPad.

Step 1.

Download Carbridge Installer using the button here.

Step 2.
Open the Settings App on your iDevice and:

  1. Tap on Profile Downloaded or open Settings → General → VPN & Device Management → Downloaded Profile.
  2. Tap Install button on right top corner.
  3. Enter your Passcode to confirm your installation.
  4. Tap Install again.
  5. Finally tap Done.

You can install all the Carbridge related a[s] including Carbridge iOS WheelPal App and Cartube app through this installer.

The installation process needs to happen in the Safari browser. Scan the below QR code. You will be redirected to Safari automatically.

Scan QR Code
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